Follow-up tips for post-hookup

You may haven’t noticed, but as a matter of fact, many things can happen after hookup, which is often ignored by many one-time quick hookup hunters. We are breaking this mode. Even if it’s just a one night hookup, it doesn’t always mean you can throw the whole social courtesy away. What you need to do is keep them and be a gentleman whenever and wherever it is.

Many guys do not know how to follow up when a tinder hookup is finished, so they give up trying at last. This is something you should never settle down for, even if you don’t want to see her again. You need to stick to the end and make sure she knows you had a good time. This is the lease you can do.

We believe following up with your BBW dating partner can serves many advantages. So keep reading⋯

When you become the kind of man whom she would want to date again, you need to know what happened. We have spent years to find out what kind of characteristic and personality would draw them back again. Now we are ready to share this information with you. You must spare no efforts to make sure you are a gentleman, otherwise you might end up with damages to yourself.

Do not stay for too long. Although you may want to have some talk after the hookup is over, this is usually a huge mistake. You need to make sure you didn’t cross the line. The time limit of your conversation might as well be restricted to around 15 minutes or the time before your taxi arrives. It would usually be long enough to satisfy her. With the appropriate time limit, you won’t be tagged with the label of being too clingy or too purpose-oriented.

If she is invited, don’t throw her out when you are done, even if you are in a hurry for something. This is really not a good hookup strategy. If you don’t mind being a gentleman, call her a cab 15 minutes later to indicate her that this is the best way to call it a night. No matter what you do, just don’t push her. Of course, there is no reason for her to be too sticky unless you give her one. After she leaves, don’t forget to text.

The next day, do consider send her a text or email to express your gratitude or just a simple greeting. This is one of the best ways to follow up. If you are thinking about meeting again, this is the right time to discuss it. Bring up an activity to show you are sincere.

These are the several simplest tips to follow up with your hookup partner if you don’t want to meet someone new every time you feel like to hookup with someone. With some simple moves, you can develop a regular or several hookup partners, which can save you a lot of trouble when in need.